You should know that no one understood it was an April Fools joke. A teenager asks his crush out to prom. 100 Funny Jokes To Tell Your Crush Pairedlife 12Then tell a knock knock joke. . A stellar way to make a great impression is by cracking some witty and appealing jokes. 23Because they were literally born yesterday. It helps you grab their attention and cast your magic on them. They have a question and answer source s. The serious relationships do not tend to work longer. All the music I need in the world is your laughter. 51 Best Pick-Up Lines For Him. That way you have your crushs attention but you make the other people around laugh as well. 121 Cute And Funny Jokes To Tell Your Crush A clean sense of humor and spontaneity can woo your crush leaving them spell-bound with your cuteness. If I were a virus I would infect you with my love. You must be a red blood cell because you take the ...